Creative Thinking to be #1 Skill for Employees in Next 3 Years

In our rapidly evolving work landscape, creative thinking continues to be in demand. Even in a climate of more AI and tech advances, the importance of creative thinking is growing exponentially, making it a highly sought-after skill in various fields.

The Demand for Creative Thinking

According to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs 2023 report, creative thinking will be among the top in-demand skills by 2027 along with other, what they categorize as cognitive skills, such as analytical thinking. “Cognitive skills are reported to be growing in importance most quickly, reflecting the increasing importance of complex problem-solving in the workplace,” according to the report.

Why Creative Thinking?

Creative thinking involves looking at situations from fresh and innovative angles, fostering an expanded mindset. It empowers individuals to generate novel ideas, question established norms, and explore artistic, innovative solutions. This ability to see things from various perspectives and devise unique problem-solving approaches is essential for both personal and professional growth.

Further, creativity extends beyond specific job roles—it’s about having an imaginative, curious mindset that embraces doing things differently. Whether you’re in marketing, engineering, or any other field, cultivating creativity contributes significantly to a thriving workplace.

Simple Ways to Cultivate Creative Thinking

Creative thinking spans our personal and professional lives and thus can start inside or outside of the workplace. Here are some tips to help future-proof your skills and your workplace for a creativity revolution:

1.   Expand Your Perspectives: Go to the library and peruse a section you normally don’t spend in.  Watch a documentary about a subject you’ve never explored.

2.   Try Something Novel: Go to your city/town’s website and look for an interesting event to attend on the calendar of events. Spend time enjoying beloved childhood activity: pick up a coloring book, play a vintage boardgame, or build with some LEGO®.

3.   Cultivate a Culture of Curiosity: When people feel like their ideas are heard and valued, they are more willing to speak up and contribute. Some things to try: set aside intentional time for ideation, host exploratory lunch and learns, and make sure that everyone gets a chance to share in meetings.

4.   View Creativity as Experimentation: It’s easy to want creative endeavors to be perfect. But often, striving for perfection leads to inauthenticity and frustration. Instead, try viewing creativity as an opportunity for experimentation. How can you infuse ease and fun into the process and focus less on the results?

Creative thinking is the key to innovation, problem-solving, and keeping pace with change. By fostering a culture of creativity, businesses can ensure they stay ahead of the curve, driving innovation and growth in the face of rapid technological advancement.

Sources: World Economic Forum (2023)The Future of Jobs Report. jobs-report-2023/


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